Uganda 2023: Day 6 – Our Last Full Day, Surgeries and More
As we start our final full-day here in Gulu, there is a rush to get as much done as we can. Several surgeries are scheduled for today. Today the CPR

Uganda 2023: Day 5 – Art Team Reaches Out and Volunteers Visit Orphanage
It’s a beautiful morning heading to the hospital. The hustle and bustle of early morning commuters and school children makes for a very active scene on the streets of Gulu.

Uganda 2023: Day 4 – More Work to Do
Every day begins early. That means getting up early, eating a quick breakfast then off to St Mary’s at Lacor. For some, that means heading for the bus at 6:30

Uganda 2023 – Day 3: Begin Surgeries
To wish that everything would go right from the beginning, is only a wish. With all the months of planning, you can never expect to plan the unexpected. Things just

Uganda 2023 – Day 2: The Journey Continues
So after 36 hours of flights and delays, you’d think ourJourney to Gulu would be finished. Not quite. After spending a brief night in Kampala, we get up early and

Uganda 2023 – Day 1: Travel
Probably one of the hardest elements of the Uganda mission is the travel. Unfortunately I made the first mistake of looking at my flight itinerary and seeing the total flight

Antigua 2023 – Blog 3
When I first got to the hospital we started unpacking all of the bags of medical supplies. We went out into the lobby to play with the kids and they

Antigua 2023 – Blog 2
Since I’m a minor without Medical eperience, I volunteered with entertaining children in the waiting room. We brought lots of toys like pop-it’s, fidget spinners, and play dough, along with