Uganda 2023: Day 4 – More Work to Do
Every day begins early. That means getting up early, eating a quick breakfast then off to St Mary’s at Lacor. For some, that means heading for the bus at 6:30

Uganda 2023 – Day 3: Begin Surgeries
To wish that everything would go right from the beginning, is only a wish. With all the months of planning, you can never expect to plan the unexpected. Things just

Uganda 2023 – Day 2: The Journey Continues
So after 36 hours of flights and delays, you’d think ourJourney to Gulu would be finished. Not quite. After spending a brief night in Kampala, we get up early and

Uganda 2023 – Day 1: Travel
Probably one of the hardest elements of the Uganda mission is the travel. Unfortunately I made the first mistake of looking at my flight itinerary and seeing the total flight

Uganda 2022 – Successful Mission
This year, twenty-five volunteers performed forty-eight surgeries, taught two hundred students CPR, and performed services for numerous burn patients. Those are successful numbers for sure.

Uganda 2022 – Color Me a Better World
Color me a better world where there is no more pain and suffering Color me a better world where we all lend a helping hand. Color me a better

Uganda 2022 – In My Mother’s Arms
“Some days I can’t face the world outsideI fall straight into my mother’s armsOh and some days it feels like no one’s on my sideThen I look into my mother’s

Uganda 2022 – Return to Uganda
In 2019, Medical Missions Foundation celebrated 10 years of mission trips to Uganda. The following two years, because of a global pandemic, we were prevented from reaching those in need

Making Our Missions Local
With the recent medical developments facing everyone around the globe, we have unfortunately had to reschedule our April and June missions to Guatemala. However, in continuing our mission to provide

Innovative Alternatives in Antigua
With every mission trip comes the unexpected challenges. Despite all the planning that comes with moving thirty nine medically trained team members, many who specialize in their own field, seventeen