  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Team Uganda 2019

We posed for this Team Uganda picture prior to departure at KCI. It is missing a few very important faces, so look for a complete, official photo later this week!

The Road to Gulu

Saturday ended up blurring into Sunday as the Team arrived at the Entebbe airport shortly before midnight. High hopes of getting to our hotel in Kampala for a full six
Innovative Alternatives in Antigua

Innovative Alternatives in Antigua

With every mission trip comes the unexpected challenges. Despite all the planning that comes with moving thirty nine medically trained team members, many who specialize in their own field, seventeen
Arriving in Antigua 2019

Arriving in Antigua 2019

Antigua 2019 arrived safely without a single lost or delayed luggage piece. It was election day and several of the interpreters did not show up. Josh Jones, one of the few
All in the Family

All in the Family

Family is one of the most important things to the people in San Lucas. Families who come with their loved ones, receiving an operation, wait outside the hospital for hours