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Antigua 2016 – Day 7, Let’s Hear It For Audiology!

Meet Anyeli, an 8 year old girl who lives in Antigua, has struggled with moderate hearing loss all her life. We first heard about her from her teacher, Judy, who runs a school for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. According to Judy, Anyeli was an intelligent, expressive young girl who was struggling to develop language. From the moment we met her, we knew she was an exceptional girl. She was fit with two hearing aids on Tuesday and the effect was apparent immediately; her smile expressed all we had hoped for. We expect her speech to develop steadily over the coming months.

Our audiology team members have the ability to make an immediate and powerful impact on their patients. This week they met with 160 patients and made hearing aids for 130 of them. The audiologists test patients’ hearing and create molds to make hearing aids in the clinic. After patients are fitted their devices, they receive their new equipment and are instructed on how to use and care for it. Nothing compares to the smile of a child who can hear their mother’s voice for the first time, a mother who can hear their child’s voice for the first time, or someone who can hear again after a decade or more of hearing loss.