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Antigua 2017 – Success Story in Audiology

After a long day of screening patients yesterday in Audiology, it was time to close shop and head back to the hotel, for some dinner and rest. That was the plan, until just after the last rooms were locked up, a mother and her young daughter came around the corner and towards a couple of members of the Audiology team. The mother was persistent about her daughter, Emily, getting looked at right then, as they had a long drive to their home. Emily showed behaviors of having some developmental delays, which mom confirmed during the screening. Working to assess Emily, caused her confusion, as these medical people were strangers, and so there was some struggles getting accurate measurements of her needs by the team. What was determined was that Emily probably was in need of hearing aids, but it was difficult to determine how many, and at the end of a busy day for Audiology, there was only one piece of the equipment available. This information was presented to the mother, who still was hoping to get on the road, (but, remember, mom had made the trip to the Audiology clinic out of love and concern for her daughter). It was suggested that if they both returned in the morning, there could be a more thorough assessment, and more supplies would be available, if required. The visit ended with mom not sure of what to do. The Audiologists wondering if they would see either Emily or her mom again.


As the team was setting up things bright and early this morning, around the corner came Emily and her mother. Emily was cheerful and much calmer then the night before, greeting these people she now knew, having made a connection with them the night before. Ashley Redding, and interpreter, Annika Divakar, worked on evaluating Emily’s hearing, and Emily was able to focus on the tasks asked of her by her new friends, and they were able to get an accurate assessment, which did prove that Emily, needed not one, but two hearing aids. When placed, Emily stopped and grinned as she could hear more sounds than ever before. Her mother was overjoyed, as she has watched her daughter struggle throughout the years in school, and maybe now with the hearing aids, Emily could have a better chance in her education.


As the evaluation was completed, and the hearing aids put in place, directions on usage was provided, and other needed supplies packed in a small tote bag to take. Emily was invited to pick out a Beanie Baby from the collection in the room. She found a red and pink dragon with wings, and give it a giant hug. And as they left to travel the long way back home, Emily and her mother had big smiles and hugs for everyone who helped them in Audiology.