  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Stayin Alive

One thing you learn on a mission is to never take anything for granted. Despite a really stellar nursing school – currently there are a total 500 men and women

Uganda 2015 – Day 5

The most powerful part of this blog are not the words I write. The photographs tell the story here as they do on all of our missions. We (and especially

Uganda 2015 – Photo Review 1

We are very lucky to have talented photographers with us on this mission. George Shadid and Brad Miller are capturing our journey throughout the week. Here are a few photographs

Uganda 2015 – Day 2

It is Tuesday morning in Uganda, and the mission is in full swing. The ORs are full already and our surgical patients line the rail which serves as our waiting

Uganda 2015 – Day 1

St. Mary’s Lacor Hospital is a full service facility. There are ICU units, burn units, Operating Rooms and hospital wards scattered in multiple buildings organized around a central courtyard with

Uganda 2015 – Day 0

It is Day 0 here in Uganda. It is called Day 0 because the mission does not officially start until tomorrow. However, the planning has been going on for about