  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Good healthcare<br>is missing in<br>many parts<br>of the world

Good healthcare
is missing in
many parts
of the world

Our volunteers make a difference in the lives of so many.

Our volunteers make a difference in the lives of so many.

Watch how we change lives

More charity better lives

How to become volunteer

Poor children education

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

We Believe that We can Save More Lifes with you

Help Us Now


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.


Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.
Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

Fundraising for the people and causes you care about

raised by 6,388 people in 7 days
raised by 6,388 people in 7 days
volunteers are available to help you
volunteers are available to help you
Latest Causes

Latest Causes

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Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

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Charity activities are taken place around the world

Charity activities are taken place around the world

Donate us now
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Become A Volunteer

Become A Volunteer

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    Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade

    Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade

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    The Beginning of Our Mission

    The Beginning of Our Mission

    Not often do we find ourselves in a situation that we can say post script…”Saturday travel was uneventful”. The largest group leaving from Kansas City had a slight delay departing

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