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Romania Day 5 2014

The last mission day snuck in and everyone is having a hard time believing it’s Thursday; time to say goodbye. What seems to be just a regular day for billions

Romania Day 4 2014

Romania has a social health insurance system, but one needs a government health insurance card to receive medical services. If one does not pay into the Government Health Insurance fund

Romania Day 3 2014

Nearly 500 consultations, 30 surgeries, over 150 pairs of glasses, thousands of vitamins, hundreds of toothbrushes, and toys shared – these are the results of the first three days of

Romania Day 2 2014

Botosani, Romania – After a quick breakfast at the hotel, everybody rushes out the door, expecting a long and busy day of consultations and surgery both at the Children’s and

Romania Day 1 2014

  Romania Mission Beginnings: May, 2001. 25 volunteers from the United States of America reached Botosani, in the most northern part of Romania, at the border with Ukraine Moldova.  They brought